Friday 18 September 2015

Groganics Daily Topical Scalp Treatment - Review

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

Gosh it has been way too long. Life has been happening. So much has happened to me in the past few months. I wrote exams, passed, graduated, lost my job, went full time into business and today i am here doing my favourite thing... which is writing about hair.

As I have said i have gone through the highs and lows in the past four months since i last wrote. To anyone out there going through the same. Please don't give up one day at a time everything will be fine. x

The following review is based on My personal experience and my personal views and should therefore not be taken as being anything other than just a personal review.

Anyone who knows me and my  hairline will know that said hairline is non-existent and has been that way for a very long time. I feel i have tried everything that everyone else claims to work for them without naming names, though i find with this hair game and i may have said it before, a lot of factors come into play before we can all claim the mid back length hair, genetics being a major one, your lifestyle - diet included, climate where you are living, and your everyday hair practices.

Of the 4 listed above, everyone has the capacity to control 2 of those, another if you have a very big bank balance - but relocating for the sake of growing long hair is a bit crazy. The last one, genetics which in my case plays a very big role very little can be done about it.

So with said struggle of diminishing hairline i came across a product called Groganics DHT BLOCKER SYSTEM. I purchased the daily topical scalp treatment from Bon Marche for about US$9 which is a very good price considering that the price it sells for in the USA is US$9.99.

What is DHT?

Dihdrotestosterone (DHT) is a natural but powerful metabolite of the human body and the main cause of hair loss in both men and women. It is a chemical derivative of testosterone, created when metabolism of androgen gets involves with an anzyme called 5-alpha-reductase.

The product is recommended for use by person's with advanced hair loss and severely thinning hair only. I felt the my hair line was so bad it qualified.

The product packaging makes note that use of the treatment "sends a cooling sensation to the scalp to stimulate blood flow, while delivering nutrients to the hair follicle", I felt this and for some reason because of the sensation i knew immediately that this would be a product that would work on my hairline.

I would recommend this product especially before any form of protective styling as you will be itch free for longer period.

The price as i said is very good, value for money and well worth the product

Fast forward 3 months later i can testify that my hairline is making a recovery, i even have baby hairs. I am so happy with this product, i will recommend it to others, however, please take my recommendation with a pinch of salt, what works for me may not work for me because of the factors stated earlier. I also do not have before or after pics, but since i am still using the product i will take pictures now and come back when the tub is finished.

Will I purchase this product again? Yes I will.

That's all for now. Next post will be my hair length check which was due when i was going through some stuff. Hopefully something positive has happened since then.

Take care my lovlies x.