Thursday 12 February 2015

About Me - Me and My Hair.

I have been fully natural for a little over 2 years now. Best decision i have ever made.

I started chemically treating my hair (not by choice, that would be my mom) when i was in grade 7 so thats about 12/13 years old. Wow i remember remaking when i got my first relaxer my hair looked like Laura Winslow's (Lol! i am showing my age she was Steve Urkel's girlfriend in Family Matters).

As i said getting my first relaxer was totally at Mom's discretion  ie. a retouch also happened at her Discretion, needless to say i had my hair fall out about 6 months later, when my mom could afford it i got my hair chemically treated again at a later stage. So the cycle continued for close to 7 years up until i finished school got a job and could afford to relax my hair on a regular without fear of my hair all falling out.

Fast forward to 2011 i came across a website and amazing lady run by Lani Masuku and therein started the love affair with my hair. I transitioned for a full year  and went fully natural in November of 2012.

The rest as they say is History.

Join me as i continue on my journey of self discovery with My Fro and I.

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