Tuesday 21 April 2015

Beer Rinse

$3.10 from Athientis Spar

So after my light bulb moment  a few weeks ago when i came to the realisation that I had thin hair, i trolled the WWW in search of a solution to  maybe make my hair a bit more dense/thicker.  I came across a Nigerian Naturals Page and it was suggested that i try a beer rinse hmm I thought, so off i went again to do more research on the WWW and YouTube.

Of Course don't take my word as the hard and fast facts I encourage people to do their own research, these are some of  benefits that I found can be achieved from doing a beer rinse. 

  • Softer Hair
  • More body/Bounce (This right here is what i am wanting)
  • Shiny Hair
  • Revitalised Curls
Some do say that a simple beer rinse can help with heat damage but I am not worried about that as  I currently do not suffer from any heat damage.

That said and done if you want to try a beer rinse here is what you will need.

  • A pint of Non - Alcoholic Beer (or 2 pints depending on the length of your hair) I got mine from Athientis Fife Avenue for $3.10 (not cheap). Why non-alcoholic, well alcohol strips the hair of its moisture and would therefore dry your hair - not what we are after. **Though who drinks non-alcoholic beer??**
The Process

  1. You will have to start with clean hair. I  co-washed my hair with Dischem Essential Treats Volumising Conditioner. 
  2. I divided my hair into 4 sections and slowly poured the beer over that section making sure that my hair was thoroughly drenched. ( I did this with my head over the sink I dont quite like the idea of beer running down my back).
  3. Let the beer sit in your hair for 3 - 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse out the beer. At this stage you can use conditioner afterward, that's your prerogative.
And Voila you are done.

My observations from beer rinse;

My curls were definitely popping and more pronounced my hair was very soft and I can say more bouncy and fuller looking. I am going to be adding a beer rinse to my hair regime.

 * It is very important that you use a non-alcoholic beer when doing the beer rinse, this is because non-alcoholic beer is more acidic and will yield better results.

* Make sure that the beer is completely flat before you do the beer rinse. So you can leave it opened over night or you can just open and let it sit for a couple of hours before doing your rinse. 

3 Days After my beer rinse my hair has never looked so thick.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Just Loving my hair so will randomly post pics every now and then.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Sooo.... Could I possibly have Fine Natural Hair?

So I bumped into a friend in the gym today and she has the cutest TWA and I remarked on how i wish my hair could pull a hairstyle like that, to which she responded surely when it shrinks you can pull it off, and i said nah my hair doesn't actually shrink that much and she says 'Oh your hair is fine'... ding dong i see the light now.

Heat Free Stretching - December 2015
From the pic above its clear that i don't have the same hair texture or density that many naturals that i see have.  When i embarked on my journey i refused to jump onto the typing bandwagon but was determined to learn as I go what works for my hair and what doesn't.

My hair has always been fine and low density even when I was relaxed. However i did think this would be a thing of the past when i turned natural. As a result when it comes to styling my hair, my twists have never been the thick, luscious full type and my braid out, twist out and bantu knots have zero curl definition. I prefer to heatless stretch my hair using African threading and then just wearing it lose.

So since i now acknowledge that i have fine hair, its imperative that i wear more protective styles such that my hair can be left alone for several days at a time if i am going to gain length. To do this as i am going to rely on African Threading mainly as i find since i do it by myself it is kinder on my edges and i will re-evaluate my progress when i have my length check in at the end of June.

I will also be turning down my moisturising routine, I have always been a bit heavy handed but now that i understand my hair i know see why my hair was always a bit limp and greasy looking and had me wanting to wash it after a few days, cause i was overdoing it.
What i will be changing mainly is that i will be using more of my water and olive oil spritzer and coconut oil to seal in concentrating on the ends and i wont be using my butters as often. In a nut shell i will not be moisturising as often as i was before but will ensure that my hair does remain hydrated.

Wish me luck.

African Threading - Styled
My go to hair style will be lots of 'mabhanzi' as we call them neatly tied away. I like it.

Before Styling