Wednesday 25 March 2015

Length Check 1,2

Since i started my HHJ it has always been more of an issue of Healthy Hair over the length of the hair. There are some people out there who will have BSL (Bra Strap Length) hair but they have more split ends than is allowable in the Natural Hair Community.

So yeah now that i think my hair regime has resulted in the healthiest hair that i can possibly achieve i am starting to look at the length aspect. I reckon i am grazing shoulder length in a blow dried state, i am looking to achieve that same shoulder length with no heat.

In a previous post (Help!!!! My Hair is not growing!) I have attempted to highlight that all hair grows at least on average 1/2 an inch every month but its how you treat your hair that determines how much you will retain.

Different strokes for different folks, some people will swear by hair vitamins such as Hairfinity and  Nutrivites, while others will cut their hair according to phases of the moon.

This is how i plan on achieving growth.

1.   Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

In as much as what we eat and drink and how we generally take care of our bodies affects our skin, its a ripple effect and it actually affects our hair as well. A person needs to eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables, drink enough  water and exercise regularly for overall body health. And since it follows that hair grows directly from the body, when you treat your body well your Hair, Skin and nails will benefit too. Vitamin deficiencies and unhealthy diets can cause dry and brittle hair.

2.   Low Manipulation Styles

I am also going to try and incorporate hair styles that involve as little as possible manipulation of my hair and if possible try and minimise the use of my beloved afro comb :-(.

3.  Protective Styling

I am planning on evaluating my length 3 months from now (end of June 2015) so the time in between I will have to overcome the temptation to show off my hair by keeping my hair in protective styles. Protective styles will help retain length (Protective styles keep your ends which are often the oldest and driest parts of your hair from rubbing against pillow cases, clothing and car seats) and by so doing also helps our hair retain moisture.

4.  Condition Condition Condition

I cannot stress the importance of regular deep conditioning on a regular basis for Natural Hair. Well moisturised hair is less prone to dryness and breakage which results in length retention.
Length Check 25.03.15

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