Tuesday 31 March 2015

Natural Hair in the Workplace.

In a few weeks time i am going to speaking at an event in Harare "Curls, Kinks and Fashion" so the facilitator has just asked me for a short description about myself and what i intend to speak on at the event as the "Curls & Kinks" part is obviously aimed at women with Natural Hair. On a whim i responded that i will tackle the subject of "Natural Hair in the Workplace."

Before i actually said that i hadn't really stopped to think about Natural Hair in the workplace but now that I have, I will share my experiences.

We see Natural hair everywhere these days, our celebrities wear it with pride both locally and internationally, Shingai Shoniwa, Dephne Madyara, Prudence Katomeni Mbofana, Pearl Thusi, Solange Knowles, Viola Davies the list is endless, you would expect that it is widely accepted that Natural Hair is here and it is here to stay... but alas.

When I wear my natural hair to work whether in a fro, or twist out, the first people i get disapproving looks from are my 'brother's and sister's' from another mother, and i think to myself how is that even remotely possible? What is it with the straight hair mentality that has people thinking that once you show your curl pattern they have the right to turn their nose up at you. So yes i often get told that i need to make a 'plan' about my hair. What plan should i make, how has my hair offended you? Am i not being productive with my hair in a fro? Is my hair really that unprofessional? Who then deems what is professional and what isn't?

Because of my hairstyles I am often viewed as being a hippy or eccentric and am sure people half expect me to be high on weed half my life. But i am not a hippy, i have been very fortunate enough to stay clear of weed and any other dangerous narcotics, so please with all due respect if i don't judge you based on your hair, don't judge me on mine.

What i boils down to is that society must accept that Naturalista's are so much more than just their hair and to recognise and understand why we choose to wear our hair the way we do.

As I said earlier this type of reaction i face mainly from other men and women of colour that i work with. The exact opposite is true of my Caucasian colleagues, the lady that i share an office with loves that i am able to wear my natural hair, she is amazed by the versatility of my natural hair. 

Its a saddening reality i think.

End of rant. Disclaimer these are my views and perceptions and mine alone we all have different stories to tell I just put mine out there.


  1. Beautiful hair and great work you are doing on this blog. Keep it up. Looking forward to reading more.

  2. Awww thanks hunny. Been down for a while but i promise to start posting soon.
